Model module to fit a simple MaxLike model



Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .df is data frame that combines the occurrence data and covariate data. .df is passed automatically in workflow from the process module(s) to the model module(s) and should not be passed by the user.


The maxlike method aims to infer the parameters of a presence-absence logistic regression model using only presence-background data, in a manner somewhat similar to MaxEnt. The practical utility of this model has been questioned (see references), since it makes very strong assumptions about the underlying model which are unlikely to be met in practice. A more feature-rich version of the model is implemented in the maxlike::maxlike package, but that implementation only accepts raster/point data as input. This module implements a simple version of the model using the logistic link, in a format that interacts with the rest of the zoon system.



Data type



J.A. Royle, R.B. Chandler, C. Yackulic, and J.D. Nichols (2012). Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 545-554.

Hastie, T. & Fithian, W. (2013) Inference from presence-only data; the ongoing controversy. Ecography, 36, 864-867.

Phillips, S.J. & Elith, J. (2013) On estimating probability of presence from use-availability or presence-background data. Ecology, 94, 1409-1419.

Merow, C. & Silander, J.A. (2014) A comparison of Maxlike and Maxent for modelling species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 215-225.

See also


Other model: BiomodModel, GBM, LogisticRegression, MachineLearn, MaxEnt, MyMaxLike, OptGRaF, QuickGRaF, RandomForest, StochasticLogisticRegression, mgcv


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