Model module to fit a quick GRaF model, without parameter optimisation.

QuickGRaF(.df, l = NULL)


Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .df is data frame that combines the occurrence data and covariate data. .df is passed automatically in workflow from the process module(s) to the model module(s) and should not be passed by the user.
lengthscale parameter, a positive number controlling the complexity of the fitted model with respect to each covariate. Can either be a single number (in which case it is used for all covariates), a vector of numbers of the same length as the number of covariates, or NULL in which case GRaF will calculate a fixed approximation to a sensible lengthscale.



Data type


See also

Other model: BiomodModel, GBM, LogisticRegression, MachineLearn, MaxEnt, MaxLike, MyMaxLike, OptGRaF, RandomForest, StochasticLogisticRegression, mgcv


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