This module outputs a simple report of the coefficents/importance measures from the model

VariableImportance(.model, .ras, print = TRUE)


Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .model is list of a data frame (data) and a model object (model). .model is passed automatically in workflow, combining data from the model module(s) and process module(s), to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.
Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .ras is a raster layer, brick or stack object. .ras is passed automatically in workflow from the covariate module(s) to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.
If true then the data are returned to console as well as outputted


This module identifies the class of the model object and if it has a known return method for this class it will be applied. If the class is not known it will try the default which is to return the summary of the object.

Data type

presence-only, presence/absence, abundance, proportion



See also

Other output: Appify, InteractiveCovariateMap, InteractiveMap, NoOutput, PerformanceMeasures, PredictNewRasterMap, PrintMap, ROCcurve, ResponseCurveViz, ResponseCurve, SameTimePlaceMap, SeparatePA, SurfaceMap


Tom August,